One of the most basic tenets of driving, and one of the first things they teach you in driver's training, is that you need to stop at a stop sign. It is simple and self-explanatory and yet many people do not do it. In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of accidents...
Truck Accidents
Who else is responsible for a deadly truck accident?
Some of the deadliest accidents on our nation’s highways occur when a truck that is sometimes carrying highly flammable or toxic hazmat loses control, collides with another vehicle or overturns. The sheer size of a large truck when compared to a passenger vehicle...
Study suggests size of trucks increases danger of truck accidents
In Mississippi and across the United States, pickup trucks are rising in popularity. This is for business purposes and because people like the aesthetic of these vehicles. Advancements are meant to improve efficiency and safety. However, there are risks to people who...
Truckers may be especially prone to drowsy driving accidents
We see them every day, semi-trucks travelling the highways of Mississippi on their way to deliver goods both to the state and across the nation. However, truckers often put long hours behind the wheel, and may even take the reckless action of drowsy driving in an...
The unique risks of injury in a truck accident
Truck drivers face daily risks while out on the road for long hours under challenging weather and traffic conditions. Although truck drivers tend to be more attentive on the road than passenger drivers, when an accident does happen, the impact from the sheer size and...
What can cause a semi truck to jackknife?
Many Meridian area drivers have encountered a jackknifed semi on area roads. A semi-truck is often one of the largest and heaviest vehicles on a road so any kind of accident involving them can be scary. A jackknifed semi is one of the most common causes of a truck...
Improper load securement can lead to crashes
Semitrucks carry large and heavy loads across the country. This is a valuable service that keeps our country going but these vehicles can also cause crashes if they aren’t loaded properly. Improper securement of loads and incorrect positioning of items can cause the...
Distracted truckers are dangers to the public
Truckers need to take the safety of those around them into account when they drive. All too often, they allow themselves to become distracted by other things. This can lead to very serious crashes that can claim lives. Ultimately, even one distracted trucking crash is...