Impaired driving doesn’t always have to revolve around alcohol. It’s possible that a person can suffer from impairment due to drugs. This includes illegal, prescription, and over-the-counter drugs as long as they’re having a negative effect on the person’s ability to...
Are field sobriety tests mandatory in Mississippi?
Mississippi works on the basis of implied consent for drivers. You drive on the condition that you consent to chemical testing. The police often use field sobriety tests to give them a basis to arrest someone. Yet they are not mandatory, and if you want to refuse, you...
2 ways a DUI conviction can hurt your credit
Besides risking your life and other road users and landing you in legal hot soup, driving under the influence (DUI) can also have long-term effects on your finances. If you are convicted, you might end up paying heavy fines for the offense. This is just one of the...
The legality of your traffic stop may affect your DUI case
When the police stop you on suspicion of drunk driving, they can't do so randomly. From the moment they stop you, the police must follow the law for any evidence obtained to be admissible in court. It means that you need to analyze the legality of your traffic stop as...
What if you spot a drunk driver?
You can never be 100% certain that someone is intoxicated when they're driving, no matter what's happening. Many other things, such as distracted driving or drowsy driving, may appear from the outside to be intoxication. That said, all of these things are dangerous to...
How long will you lose your license over a Mississippi DUI?
The penalties you face for driving under the influence (DUI) will affect many aspects of your life and possible incarceration could affect your family and your job. The fines might leave you struggling financially, even if you don't lose your job. Losing your license...
What you could suffer after being hit by a drunk driver
You don’t remember much of anything after a drunk driver hit you in your Mississippi town. You were waiting for the light to turn green as you thought about what you wanted to make for supper. Then, nothing. You and your family need to consider what you want to see...
Can the police assume you’re intoxicated?
You're driving home one night when the police pull you over. The officer comes to your window and tells you that they thought you might be intoxicated and they want to give you a breath test or have you do field sobriety tests. Your big question, almost immediately,...
What happens when you refuse a Breathalyzer test in Mississippi?
Being charged with driving under the influence (DUI) is a big deal. With potential penalties varying from the suspension of your driver’s license to fines and jail time upon conviction, there is no doubt that a DUI offense can impact your life in a number of ways. If...
Police mistakes that you can cite during your DUI trial
Police officers are trained to, among other things, look for and keep drunk drivers out of the roads. Specifically, these law enforcement officers are trained on how to assess your behavior during a traffic stop and collect sufficient evidence to make an arrest if...