Theft charges can be serious criminal charges that carry significant potential penalties and consequences for the accused individual. For anyone facing burglary charges, it is important to know what they are facing and how to defend themselves against the charges.
Possible penalties for burglary charges
The crime of burglary is essentially entering into a home with the intent to commit a crime inside the home. An accused individual can be charged with burglary whether or not they entered a home with a deadly weapon if they intended to commit a crime inside the home. Individuals who are accused of committing burglary can face a sentence of incarceration ranging from 3 to 25 years.
Additionally, they can be charged with burglary whether or not there was another person inside the home, however, if there is a person in the home at the time of the burglary, the accused individual may face even more significant penalties and consequences as a result. If the accused individual unlawfully enters the home in a manner that is likely to terrorize the occupant in the home, they may face a sentence of incarceration of 10 to 25 years.
Because the penalties for burglary, and other theft offenses, are so high, it is essential for accused individuals to be aware of their criminal defense rights and protections. Criminal defense strategies may be able to help accused individuals avoid some of the most serious penalties and consequences they are facing when their freedom is on the line.