3 ways in which alcohol increases the risk of a collision

On Behalf of | Mar 11, 2020 | Drunk Driving Accidents, DUI |

Most people know that getting behind the wheel after having an alcoholic beverage could put them at risk for an arrest or for causing a crash. Drunk drivers cause crashes every day that lead to property damage, injuries and even death.

However, people don’t necessarily understand the biological consequences of drinking and how exactly it impacts their ability to drive. When you understand how alcohol can affect your driving skills, you will be less likely to get behind the wheel after drinking or more likely to intervene when you see someone else trying to leave a party or social gathering while under the influence of alcohol.

Alcohol can make it harder for you to see clearly

Alcohol can result in blurry vision or even double vision in some cases. For others, alcohol in the bloodstream may make it harder for them to focus on individual objects. Additionally, the effects of alcohol on your brain and eyes can make it harder for you to tell the difference between colors, which could make it harder for you to follow road signage and stay safe while driving.

According to information by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), alcohol can affect your vision at 1/4 of the legal limit for driving.

Alcohol increases your reaction time

Just like alcohol makes it harder for you to focus on visual stimuli, it also makes it harder for your brain to quickly process new information. Not only may you feel drowsy or mentally fuzzy, but it may also mean that you take longer to react in an emergency.

Alcohol affects your judgment

People who are drunk often don’t even realize how drunk they actually are because of how alcohol affects your internal perceptions. Alcohol makes it harder to make good decisions as well, which can result in someone reacting the wrong way to sudden changes in traffic.

If you are facing charges for driving while intoxicated, an experienced attorney can provide legal guidance on how to move forward.